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ProSprayer SP


Sprayer reproducing rains ranging from drizzle to thunderstorm on surfaces of 0.5m2. Possibility of combining several devices to cover larger areas.

ProSprayer SP



Technical sheet

Motor: Brushless
Disc rotation speed: ADJUSTABLE
Mains supply: 100 to 250 V, 50-60 Hz
Automatic drain
Slot: NA
Virtual instrumentation : SPRAI SOFTWARE
Manual control: EXTERNAL BOX


Learn more


Actual rains take many and varied forms, ranging from very fine mist to heavy thunderstorm rains. The effects of these different rains are not identical. The PRO SPRAYER SP rain simulator with rotating disc makes it very easy to reproduce the different rains in order to study the impact.

The rain simulator includes an asymmetric rotating disc placed in height, mounted on a Brushless motor and supplied with water by a pump. The liquid from the disc sprays near it and falls under the effect of gravity. The joint modification of the flow rate and the speed of rotation make it possible to reproduce different types of rain. TO FIND OUT MORE, you can download the document below.

The command and control of the rain simulator is done very simply thanks to the virtual instrument developed by SPRAI. This software also makes it possible to keep traceability of the simulations carried out.